Social Media Lead

Bookwitty Partner Network

content marketing strategy aimed at media & book industry experts

Downloadable Book Metadata Checklist and Book Marketing Workbook, covers designed by Keeward Studio

Downloadable Book Metadata Checklist and Book Marketing Workbook, covers designed by Keeward Studio

This Content Marketing Strategy in Numbers:


Strategy Overview:

The Bookwitty Partner Network helps bloggers, influencers, media sites, booksellers, and publishers grow their audience and generate additional revenue. They offer their partners customizable solutions that cater to these needs like affiliate programs, e-commerce solutions, international book distribution and design services.

The challenge of this B2B project is twofold: first off, the network needs to educate its current partners on how to make the best out of its products and services. Secondly, in order to grow, the company needs to attract the most significant amount of potential partners possible while keeping its marketing budget in check.


By including a blog section on the Bookwitty Partner Network website, I was able to develop a content marketing strategy that tackled our dual challenge head-on by targeting every phase of the customer conversion funnel. First, I worked closely with the partner managers to get a front-row view of the different obstacles our affiliates were facing while using the products. At the same time, I consulted with our SEO experts on the keywords they wanted the Bookwitty Partner Network to rank high on and kept an eye our the target personas' pain points.  

By merging these sources of information, I could craft a monthly bilingual editorial calendar aimed at helping the Partner Network reach both its goals. As a way to increase the website's SEO ranking while collecting the e-mails of potential leads, I paired blog posts with downloadable PDFs. These documents varied from workbooks to whitepapers and even checklists all working together to create value for current partners and potential affiliates. 


Whitepapers & Other Downloadables:

In an effort to generate leads through the blog, and build up the network's partners I paired the blog's articles with downloadable PDFs. These documents vary from in-depth whitepapers to practical workbooks and checklists. All a new reader needs to do to gain access to this free content is enter their e-mail address. Once collected this contact information allows me to then nurture this relationship into a profitable one.

The Bookwitty Affiliate Programs allow any content creator to earn a commission by recommending and selling books. This workbook provides bloggers and influencers with a book marketing blueprint that will enable them to train their marketing muscle and think of efficient ways to sell books through their content. Download the workbook here - Read the paired article here

Blog Articles:

By working closely with SEO experts and affiliate managers, I crafted a robust editorial calendar of blog posts. Some are focused on keeping current partners happy while others aim at organically attracting potential affiliates through search engines. Below is a clickable selection of the different types of articles that can be found on the Bookwitty Partner Network blog.